Discover the Heritage of the Chin Ethnic Group

Explore the rich culture, history, notable figures, and traditions of the Chin people.

Featured Articles

Read captivating articles that delve into the fascinating world of the Chin people, shedding light on their unique customs and experiences.

Engaging Videos

Watch insightful videos that showcase the vibrant Chin culture, capturing their vibrant traditions and celebrations.

Inspiring Biographies

Learn about remarkable individuals from the Chin community who have made significant contributions to society, inspiring generations.

The Institute of Chin Studies has been an invaluable resource for me. Their articles and videos have deepened my understanding of the Chin people and their culture.

Henry Lyan

Founder, The Institute of Chin Studies

On a Mission

We are on a mission to document and record the history, heritage, and culture of the Chin people for current study and for future generations.

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