About Us

Why We Exist

At the Institute of Chin Studies, our vision is to address the lack of information about the Chin people on the internet. We aim to help Chin people remember their heritage with pride and to introduce the world to our culture and history. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive resources, articles, and videos that showcase the rich culture, history, and contributions of the Chin community.

Our Mission

Be the go-to resource for those looking for information about the Chin people.

Our Vision

Our vision is to educate, inspire, and foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the Chin people.


The genesis of the project

This is when the wheels started turning and we became convinced of the need for the Institute of Chin Studies.


The long heading is what you see here in this feature section.

Explore the chronological timeline showcasing the significant milestones of the Institute of Chin Studies.


The long heading is what you see here in this feature section.

Explore the chronological timeline showcasing the significant milestones of the Institute of Chin Studies.


The long heading is what you see here in this feature section.

Explore the chronological timeline showcasing the significant milestones of the Institute of Chin Studies.

Join our community

Contribute to the preservation of the Chin community's history and heritage.