
Chin State

September 18, 2024

CHIN STATE: An Overview


Chin state is in the southern part of northwestern Myanmar. It is also well-known as the “Chin Hills” due to its geography. The land is rich in natural resources that are primarily forest based. However, the region remains the least developed area of the country. Deeply isolated, it lacks basic infrastructure and suffers from frequent natural disasters, including landslides, particularly during the monsoon season.

Location: Western Myanmar

Shared Borders: Rakhine State to the south, Magway and Sagaing Regions to the east, India tothe north, and Bangladesh to the west

Areas: 36,071.58 sq. km

Ethnicity: Chin (there are more than forty dialects of the Chin language)

Religion: Most of the Chin today are Christians, with most being Protestant, especially


Population: The total population of Chin State was 478,801 persons, and there were 229,604 males and 249,197 females (2014 Myanmar National Population and housing census). Chin State population represented only 0.93 percent of the total population in Myanmar.

Population Density: The population density in Chin State was 13.3 persons per square

kilometer. It was the lowest among all States and Regions in Myanmar.


Chin State is composed of nine townships:

1.        Kanpatlat

2.        Mindat

3.        Palatwa

4.        Matupi

5.        Haka

6.        Falam

7.        Teddim

8.        Tonzang and

9.        Htantalan

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