Animals & Nature

Rih Lake

September 18, 2024


Rih Lake is located in Rih Khaw Dar town, Falam district, in northern Chin State, close the Myanmar-India border and 46 kilometers from Falam city. Rhi Lake is a heart-shaped body of water encircled by mountains, situated at an elevation of 2,966 feet above sea level, measuring one mile in length and half a mile in width.

Locating the heart-shaped lake globally is challenging. Rih Lake in Chin State is a unique heart-shaped lake. Intense precipitation does not obliterate the heart-shaped configuration during the rainy season, as the water traverses the subterranean valley towards the nearby streams. The lake's distinctive feature is its heart-shaped configuration. The lake possesses crystalline water, which transforms into a different hue in December.

A multitude are intrigued by the mythical and legendary history of Rih Lake. In 2017, Lonely Planet ranked it tenth among the top 10 places in Myanmar, evaluating it more favorably than the renowned Chin attractions of Mt Victoria and Mindat.

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